Michalis DiakakisPhD in Flood hazard assessment 2013 National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece MSc in Geo-environmental Engineering 2005 Cardiff University, Wales, UK BSc in Geology 2004 National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece |
My research focuses on floods and other climate-related hazards and their interaction with humans.
My work involves application of models, state-of-the-art risk analysis and Geographical Information Systems in flood hydrology, human interaction with disasters, survey of catastrophic events, mortality from disasters, and others. I have worked as a natural hazards expert in several projects in different countries and have consulted several organisations including the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, the National Technical University of Athens, the Agricultural University of Athens, Bank of Greece and private entities. I have published over 70 research papers in peer-reviewed journals (H-index=12) and conferences. My projects include applied research and business applications and involve work in a multinational environment with both academic and business experiences. I have long experience in teaching both at BSc and MSc levels. Awards
2 Dec 2018
Participation in new project: AEGIS - building a new platform for emergency resource management in Greece and Cyprus
3 Jan 2017
Participation in new project: SCENT - Smart Toolbox for Engaging Citizens into a People-Centric Observation Web. European Union research project funded under the Horizon 2020 programme. https://scent-project.eu.
1 Dec 2015
New article entitled: Vulnerability of transport infrastructure to extreme weather events in small rural catchments published in European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, Special Issue: 'Climate Adaptation of Infrastructure Networks'.
20 Feb 2015
New publication accepted for publication in the Journal of Flood Risk Management. Entitled: "Flood fatalities in Greece: 1970-2010. Journal of Flood Risk Management. Wiley". Soon to be published.
15 Jan 2015
New Publication: Hurricane Sandy mortality in the Caribbean and continental North America. Co-authored with G. Deligiannakis, K. Katsetsiadou and E. Lekkas and published in Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal. Link
15 Apr 2014
New Publication: Mitsakis E., Stamos I., Diakakis M., Salanova Grau J.P. (2014) Impacts of high intensity storms on urban transportation: Applying traffic flow control methodologies for quantifying the effects. International Journal of Envrironmental Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s13762-014-0573-4. (Accepted for Publication) Link
10 Feb 2014
New Project: Application of Geographical Information Systems in health management, for improved decision-making, improved crisis response and management of resources. More details coming soon